Thursday, May 21, 2009

New Look and New Name

Welcome to Three Men and a Lady!

In maybe the worst Photoshop job of all time, I've created a new banner and look for the site. Now that I've done that, I'll try and catch up on some posting. It's been very busy here and the posting time has dropped significantly. Something about a new baby.

A big contribution to that was that we had to take Liam back to the hospital. No, we weren't trying to return him. He had a fever (over 103) and was admitted into the intermediate care unit for a few days. After a heavy dose of antibotics, the fever went away and we were sent home.

I'm creeping back to work, which is a reative term. The rest of the office is working 16-18 hours a day, so my 8 hours are only half a day.

I'll be adding the back dated posts starting tomorrow, so check back often!

Also, I got about a week's worth of pre-Liam pictures to get through. I don't want to jump past all those good times. I know everyone wants to see the newborn pictures, but they're coming eventually.


Anonymous said...

Like the name... but the tagline ("they changed her diapers...")is not working for me...

Congrats on finding a spare moment to do this!!!
ma beach

Jackson said...

New look is fantastic...keep em coming!

Anonymous said...

The photo is great but it don't get the 'changed her diapers' line. So glad you are back to blogging.Keep those pictures coming.

Mommeme (good name right!)

Anonymous said...

I'm amazed you have the time for photoshop, but nice work! I agree with the previous posts, though, once you mention the "lady" in the family, the tagline about changing HER diapers is a bit disconcerting. Maybe "She changed their diapers. They changed her life." (That impugns you somewhat... but I think you can take it.) Anyway, glad Liam is doing okay. Keep the pictures coming!

Anonymous said...

You have been under a lot of stress lately, so I, for one, am not going to be too concerned about the name, tagline, or even the "look". If you can find the time to post, I will be forever grateful for that bit of connection to your busy lives.


Mom of 3 Boys said...

yeah poor arent changing her diapers!

Beach said...

I left the movie tagline alone; I wasn't feeling clever enough to come up with something.