Thursday, June 04, 2009

Moving? Alpaca!

The new house has a farmers' market in the adjacent park. One of the booths is an all-natural yarn sale with an alpaca pen behind it. The alpaca farmer was apparently high at 10am. While Finn played with the alpacas we enjoyed the conversation between him and a slower adult that walked by. Here is an imprecise transcript:

Lady: Are these cows?

Farmer: No man, they're alpacas!

Lady: Why are they here?

Farmer: Why are any of us here? (pothead laugh) No man, the kids love them. The parents follow the kids and then people buy our stuff.

Lady: What stuff?

Farmer: The fiber! The fiber from the alpacas...we raise them and take their fiber and make stuff with it. People buy that stuff. I don't know why.

Lady: What are their names?

Farmer: This one is smokey. He's 6 months old. Wait no. That one is cocoa. He's 9 months old. Hold on. The brown one is cocoa. He's 6 months old and the grey one is smokey who is 6 months old. (pothead laugh)...whatever. You got $500?

Lady: No.

Farmer: You can buy them. You got the cash, we got the alpacas!

That's when we left.


Anonymous said...

Oh wow, man... cash or trade?

Sounds like many a convo on State Street, Madison in 1969...

Mom of 3 Boys said...


Angelica said...

lord I hate hippies. :)