Monday, January 21, 2008

Big weekend of hockey

The hockey team went up to Strongsville, outside of Cleveland, for a hockey tournament this weekend. We got to stay in the Holiday Inn Select, not because we selected it as the name may imply, but teams in the tournament were required to stay there. It was quite nice and they shared a parking lot with the rink so it was an easy commute to the games.

Finn loved watching the games and playing in the hallways. There are a bunch of players' younger sisters who love to play with the little guy. As a side note, they are also the team's cheerleaders who can effortlessly scream "Let's go Elks" in cadence for 2 hours non-stop. This picture from a couple weeks ago shows Finn watching a game. He pounds on the glass and cheers in a more traditionally male way than the cheerleaders. However, he can't distinguish between applause for or against our team. The result is that when he hears the other team's fans clapping because they just beat us, Finn stands up and joins in.

There were plenty of things not to cheer for in the first couple games. We lost each of he first two games, while out-shooting the other teams in both. More notably, one of my defensemen "accidentally" hit me in the eye with his stick. There was no photograph of the incident so I have posted an artist's (my) rendering of the event below. I am the Bob Ross like person receiving the stick to the eye.

Actually, the stick-in-the-eye was quite accidental. I tried to play it off, but when the swelling became such that I could see my own cheek, I got some ice and held it to my face for the rest of the game.

The results are shown in this picture:

I am fine and the bruising is disappearing. If only I could get a haircut sometime, my looks would return to their normal, outstanding level. This post also shows a trend of mine. I like to post images of my wounds. Stay tuned for more, and if you like them, you can hope that I get hurt again soon.


The Daily Squink said...

As always, I love the PPT illustration. I think you should go into business making illustrations that way. No, seriously. Because they are freakin' hilarious. Especially the fro. I am envisioning a whole series of them, posted on a blog, outlining events from your lives.

Whose "Claw of Death" is gripping Finn's butt with amazing strength?

Melissa said...

I would like to see a PPT animation reenactment of the incident. No, I would LOVE to see that.

Anonymous said...

Angela... that would be my "Claw of Death" - and you should also note that the minute I let go of my "Claw of Death" on Beach at the hockey rink, he went and got himself injured... someday, Grasshopper, you to will understand the ongoing want of the alpha female of the family to protect the young...

Gramma Beach

The Daily Squink said...

Oh, hello there, Jill! I didn't think that coat looked like one of Sarah's.