Monday, November 06, 2006

I'm glad I don't have to vote

I was watching the news today, and by news I mean the Daily Show and Colbert Report. It seems that all you people in America have an election to go to. I'm glad I'm here and I can't vote. Well I probably can, but the effort required far outweighs the satisfaction I get out of it.

Here's the alternative that I like. I get to criticize all countries' governments and their politics. The one guy who makes sense during this campaign season is Borat. Nice. The French have their own problems with riots and xenophobia.

I made this decision despite the Armed Forces TV ads reminding me that I can vote and should vote. However, I actually don't even know who is running in my district. I feel that should deny me my right to vote.

My favorite one has a medieval knight asking his feudel lord to allow him to go home to vote. They load him into catapult and shoot him home. You may think that I am leaving something out, but that is it except a voice over saying to remember to vote.

That is compelling.

So I wish everyone who knows the issues and the candidates well. Make good choices for all of us who don't vote. Our future is in your hands!

1 comment:

Ashley O said...

I too did not vote. Technically I could vote back in OH or KY (for some reason they still have me listed in KY even though I haven't lived there in years!) but didn't. I was told I could vote in NH and could register that day. But I was actually in KY that day so it didn't matter. I actually got scolded in the dr. office waiting room on Tuesday for not voting. Like you, I didn't feel like I should since I had no idea who was running or what they stood for. I guess I need to educate my self more.