Wednesday, May 23, 2007

An Infant's Cries: A Study in Sound Development

Finn's crying has, um, ripened over the course of his short life. Below is a chronology, a discography, if you will. I wish I had actual recordings of all of the cry styles, but you'll have to use my onomatopoeias (never thought I'd use that word in a sentence!), rough translations, and your imagination for the earlier ones. Think of the volume increasing with each stage.

Age 0-1 Month
Translation: Excuse me, ma'am? I'm a bit chilled and could use a bite to eat. Perhaps you could help?

Age 1 Month-2 Months
Translation: Jeez, I really don't like it when you put me in the car seat. I strongly suggest you stop doing that.

Age 2 Months-3 Months
Translation: Yo, Mom! Don't you know by now that when I wake up I want milk now? Not 3 minutes from now, not after my diaper is changed, I said NOW!

Age 3 Months-4 Months
Translation: Hmm. I think I can talk to them in their language. Maybe that's a better approach to getting what I want. Hello!....Hello? I'm bored with this toy. I'd like a different one, please.

Age 4 Months-5 Months
Click to listen
Translation: You evildoers brought me into this world just so that you could torture me and quite possibly starve me to death by leaving me ALL ALONE in my room for HOURS, no, DAYS after I've woken up from my nap. You're going to burn in hell for this. And to that I say, Good Riddance!

And from what I've heard, it will get worse before it gets better.


Anonymous said...

Silly young parents!

Correct translation:
Mom, Dad, I love you.

Oh, and please save for my college education since it will cost 3.2 million by then..


The Daily Squink said...

Oh god, Rowan already sounds like that. How much louder can it possibly go from here?!