Wednesday, May 23, 2007

The Rhein River...A Different View

While Beach and Finn were admiring the castles and green hills of the Rhein valley, I was busy taking in the scenery of a different kind. The people watching in Europe is great, and when you're on a sightseeing cruise, you can feign like you're looking at a lovely castle when you're really staring at your neighbor. If you're lucky, you can even get pictures.

I had to get a shot of this guy's mullet (because mullet pictures never get old!), but what I didn't realize until I saw him leaving the boat is that he was wearing overalls with a cardigan thrown casually over his shoulders. Beach and I call this "worker chic."

This next outfit defies explanation. I first saw the shirt and thought it looked like a Vera Bradley pattern gone awry (no offense to Vera Bradley - she has some lovely things), but when the sweater appeared I had to document the combination. Here's a tip for tourists: Pack solid colors. If she wasn't a tourist, she's beyond help.

Is this a sign I've become jaded to Europe's beauty? Probably. I guess it's time to come home. But not before our trip to Switzerland this weekend (if we can find a hotel). Stay tuned for pictures of Swiss things, like cows, mountains, and maybe a Swiss Miss or two.


Ashley O said...

And even worse, isn't his hair pulled back in an elastic like a rat tail! I saw a kid riding his bike this morning with a rat tail. Don't they know that went out in the 80's?

The Daily Squink said...

Did you get the impression that sweater lady was American? I think she looks European. And Americans certainly don't have the market cornered on bad tourist fashion. They were just discussing that subject on the Manolo's blog a few weeks ago...

Sarah said...

Yeah, I'm pretty sure she was European. But she still could have been a tourist.