Friday, June 15, 2007

In honor of Beach

Yesterday was June 14th. I know everyone loves Flag Day, but what you may not know is that it's also Beach's birthday - oh, what a curse sharing your day with such a major holiday. Our activites yesterday probably weren't how he always dreamed of spending his birthday. We stayed up until 3:30 in the morning preparing for a visit from the movers and then woke up at 6:30 when Finn was ready to start his day. Later, we stopped into the office for some last-minute paperwork and a little break - while we were there I surprised him with a fancy cake from a German bakery, washed down with margaritas. Tequila and chocolate - a delicious combination. When we got home the whole family took a long nap before Beach's birthday dinner consisting of whatever was left over in our fridge - mostly condiments (he doesn't waste a thing) - followed by another late night of packing and cleaning for the move. I guess we really are grown-ups now. Life gets in the way of fun, even on one's big day. Beach, one of these years I hope you get to celebrate your day doing something for yourself. Anyway, Happy 31st to you!

Finn also wanted to write a post but since he can't type yet, I'm ghostwriting:

Happy Father's Day, Papa! You're the best Dad a kid could ever want and I can't wait to learn all the things you have to teach me. I'd love it if we could go to a ball game to celebrate. Actually, since the Reds are terrible this year, let's take a 9-hour flight across the Atlantic instead. That sounds like much more fun!

At least I think that's what Finn said. He doesn't speak very well yet, either...

We love you, Beach!


Anonymous said...

we love you too!, have a safe flight. ma and pa

Ashley O said...

Oh, it was my co-workers birthday yesterday too. She got two bouquets of flowers and no one knew why until she revealed her little secret.

Well, Happy Flag Day! Um, I mean Happy Birthday! And Happy Father’s Day (on Sunday)!

The Daily Squink said...

Oh how far we've come since the heady days of MegaBash (Make a Splash!)

At least you had tequilla.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations! Flag Day - what a day! Happy birthday and Father's Day. Thanks for being a great part of our family. We love you. See you soon. Love, Nancy