Saturday, January 17, 2009

Finishing Chirstmas Dinner

These posts are not just a little behind schedule, they are in almost no sequential order. That disclaimer being said, here is a story about the wrap-up of Christmas dinner.

Finn has always liked fire. I suppose that is one of those things all people like and what differentiates us from apes. We (and by "we" I mean other people typically found surviving in the jungle on the Discovery Channel) can make fire and control it to provide for us.

Finn has always been impressed by our lowing out the candles too. It is almost as cool as the clapper. You can "turn off" a candle, as he says, by your mouth and not by the switch on the wall. It really must be a remarkable sight for a baby.

This was Finn's first successful time blowing out a candle. He's made the flame waiver and return, but this time he did it.

I remember that extinguishing the candles was my favorite part of Christmas dinner besides the table presents. I had to use a snuffer though.

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