Thursday, July 30, 2009

4th of July!

Well, actually the Third. We went down to the River to watch the fireworks. They started about 30 minutes after we thought they would so we had plenty of time for our picnic we brought: fried chicken, pickles, potato chips, and chocolate chip cookies. There was also another kids who payed with Finn much of that time. While it was cute at the beginning, when the kids was throwing ball at Liam, we had enough of that fun.

When the fireworks began, Finn was completely engaged. The good part was that the fireworks were on the other side of the river, so the BANG was not too loud for Liam, but they were still big enough to watch.

Finn watched very intently and paid attention through the whole thing. Even Liam, who was asleep earlier woke up as well. It was such a hit, we almost fought the crowds to go down the the Mall for the Capitol Fourth. We ended up not going, but watched it on TV. We had a more exciting thing happening on the fourth itself...

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