Saturday, October 28, 2006

Dispo Dieter!

We recently solved one of the mysteries of Germany: what is Dispo Dieter? Listening to BigFM, the top 40 / MTV station, they kept saying the word Dispoditer pr some variation of it, so it had to be important. The DJs would also mention a website,, but we never had the time to check it out.

When I finally saw it, it revealed the pollution of American pop cultured turning eurotrash into a hellish mutant. That being said, the website was pretty entertaining even if I didn't undersand anything on it.

For further research I went to and learned more about this Dispo Dieter. I found a website about a guy who dresses like this character or who may be the real-life basis for the cartoon. Wow. F-Fed watch out for this guy.

This phenonomon is train-wreck-incredible. I'm like the moth pulled into the firelight. Anyway, I hope you enjoy(?) this touch of Germany as much as I did.


Anonymous said...

Hi Beach,
thank you for the link to Dispo Dieter. Great stuff!

Melissa said...

He gave me the bird!

The Daily Squink said...

I followed the links, and am not any more enlightened than I was before. Weird German pop culture!