Monday, February 04, 2008

Finn's news appearance

Sarah's dance class was the morning weather report "on-location" location last week. The weatherman was clearly taken by Finn and his friend Mateo. Here's a brief clip of his appearence.

There is an interesting news item on the scroll. "Authorties had to shoot and kill Cincinnati's runaway cow." Are we back in Wisconsin? And why does Cincinnati have a runaway cow once a year?


Anonymous said...

in Wisconsin we have moved on to cougars...

Will look at the Finn footage at home tonight where actual viewing of web videos are allowed!

Jackson said...

I hadn't pictured Finn in a supervisory role yet, but the news wanker seems to have pleasing Finn as his top priority,

News Wanker: "Please Mr. Finn, can we produce this fluff piece?"
Mr. Finn: "Request Denied- we do hard hitting news here at 19!"

Jackson said...

I fear runaway cows are the very definition of a "cow town".

Unknown said...

This is cracking me up!
He's a star!