Wednesday, March 12, 2008

This week's song of the week

Last week's snow reminded both of us of our youth spent "way up north" and got me thinking about visions of snow piled up as high as cars. For people from Madison, that also conjures images of the old Pizza Pit ad. So I have chosen that classic ad, with the kids singing, as the Song of the Week as can be seen in the bar to the right.

Our neighbors made a life-sized (Finn-sized) snow man in the median. Finn tried to make friends with him, but figured that that he was just too shy.

Snow is a very interesting thing for a little boy. It's very cold. It falls apart. It disappears if a small piece is on your hand. The world gets so bright and white.

For Finn, the snow was even more fun as we walked through it. I imagine from a baby's perspective it looks like your foot disappears if you step into the snow. When you kick through the snow, watching it break apart and scatter, it must look like the amazing creation of new things out of the ground. Plus boys like to see things break and splatter. I figure that was the appeal of Gallagher.

So you can see, he really liked watching me kick the snow. Too bad that won't happen again until next year.

1 comment:

Jackson said...

Fantastic observations, but the line:

"Too bad that won't happen again until next year."

has us at odds. I say:
"Hopefully, it will never snow again."

Finally, do you know of a place I can go to get off of the smack?