Monday, August 04, 2008

Airplane toys

Finn had been very interested in airplanes. He points out each one that flies overhead and makes the sign while imitating the sound of the engines. We figured that it had been a while since he had gotten a new toy, so we strapped on his back-pack and set off looking for one.

We went up to King Arthur's Court Toys hoping to find that old Playmobile plane set. We didn't find that, but did find a small Delta 747 with flashing engines and whirring noises. The best part is that it is self propelled, but goes at two speeds. After a short slow speed roll, it quickly speeds up rotating the nose up like it will actually take-off.

He liked the toy so much that he only paused for a second to point out the turtle in the window as we left. I imagine that the noise it makes will haunt us later, but you can't avoid noisy toys anymore.

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