Friday, April 20, 2007

A Good Year (or 8 months)

Today, Beach scheduled the movers for our journey back to the US. We're leaving Germany 8 weeks from tomorrow. I know I've had a pretty bad attitude about this place for the past few months; maybe I'm actually projecting my feelings about being cooped up with a newborn on the place instead of the situation (better to blame Germany than to blame Finn, right?). So, anyone who has listened to me complain must be thinking that I'm counting the days. I was, but the impending end of our time here made me forget about the bumps in the road and realize about what a great adventure this has been. We've experienced probably about 80% of what Europe has to offer, good (tulips in the Netherlands) and not-so-good (Forbach - the French city never shown in the Frommer's guides). And, whenever we feel homesick for the States, we can get a big group of obnoxious Americans from Beach's office (who have been great stand-ins for our US friends), dominate a restaurant for an afternoon, and forget that the only thing I've learned to say in German in 8 months is "Zwei brotchen, bitte" (translation - "Two rolls, please" - I buy a lot of bread).

I'd like to apologize to Germany for my negativity, and thank Germany for the endless laughs I've had at your (and your people's) expense, and for making us realize that living in America is really, really good. I'm going to miss you, and your bread.


Stagelady said...

Hey there! If you're not counting, I am...and I KNOW your Mom is! Germany's loss...our gain to have you back in the good ol' states again. Can't wait to see all of you again. Finn looking great as the little world traveller!

Ever think of a name for that Sears family blog? Need Beach's clever take on that!

Love ya!

Stagelady said... further 'aside'. Remember Em's blog at She doesn't have a lot of oppty to post stuff there (IT resources being what they are in Nicaragua), but she's put some nice pics out there. Sure she'd be happy to get some comments!

Sarah said...

We put a link to Emily's blog on our site so our friends can also read about her adventures. I'll make sure to add some comments.