Sunday, February 24, 2008

New content! Song of the Week

We've gotten into playing songs and videos from the internet while we dance wildly around the kitchen. This usually happens while Finn eats his lunches since he takes about an hour to eat each meal.

Today was a walk down late 90's ska alley. I've decided that Save Ferris' version of "Come on Eileen" will be the song of the week based on the following arbitrary criteria:

1. Super song.
2. High dancibility.
3. Finn bobs his head to it.
4. I can embed it in the margin.

Hopefully we can update this on a weekly basis. However lately it seems that our posts have slowed to once a week. Perhaps a song selection will give as much insight in to what we're up to as an additional post would.

Hope you like the song and be on the lookout for next week's.


Anonymous said...

you know what's funny? Last week, I made a new CD and put that same song on it. Good choice for SoTW!


Jackson said...

Sounds like good times in FinFinnati.

I vote you try turning on New Order's 1987 remake of "Bizarre Love Triangle"