Saturday, March 29, 2008

Myrtle Beach Photos

I've finally put the pictures from Myrtle Beach up on-line. There are sharks, kids, "New England", birds, sand, and waves. I promise most of the pictures are more pleasent than this one of our "rot tub". The owners were nice enough to knock a couple bucks off the price of the house since no one could use it without sever risk of developing a body fungus.

It was a fun time in the sun on the beach. We learned than Finn loves the beach and we'll try and get a couple more beach vacations in as soon as we can.


The Daily Squink said...

Ah, the rot tub. Oh how I miss it's furry greenness.

Anonymous said...

These pictures are like one great big Gap ad!!

Grandma Beachy and I really enjoyed each and every one - especially Sarah and Finn in the car!!!zzzzzzzzzz!!!!

Can't wait to see you this week!

Ma Beach