Sunday, February 15, 2009

Early Birthday

When Lanny was here, we decided to open the presents he brought for Finn's birthday so he could enjoy the fun in person. On the heals on Christmas, Finn knew exactly what to do when confronted by bags and boxes.

He got a freight car-load of Thomas the Tank Engine trains to add to the growing collection. He connected them and had the long train come through the Lego tunnel.

It's amazing how quickly kids learn things. He knows the name of each train. I don't mean the ones he has, I mean the ones in the catalogue that came with the trains! He points to each one and says the nae of it.

He only gets one name wrong. He calls Henry "Percy". They are both green, but Percy is a major character in the video that he has, so it sunk in more deeply than the name Henry. Our next step is to each him to count cards.

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