Saturday, January 26, 2008

Train Birthday Extravaganza

Finn's Birthday was an true romp; quite a lively and boisterous event. Having 5 kids in one room is a sure-fire way to have an exciting party. Despite predictions to the contrary, everyone was very well behaved and tears were only short-lived.

The biggest hit at the party was Finn's new firetruck. Like all toys that play music, the song wedged itself in my head and couldn't be extricated. I tried all my familiar techniques to replace a song stuck in my head such as listening to Rihanna's Pon de Replay. Even after the third time through the song, all I could hear in my head was "I'm firefighter Tad...".

Finn had a very regal look to him during the cake presentation. He turned out to be not that into the cake, though he did enjoy smashing the little train cars. Perhaps he likes being like King Kong since he is usually the smallest person around.

The rest of the fun is documented in a photo retrospective.

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