Saturday, September 27, 2008

Bringing My Brother to College

A high point of the Labor Day weekend was being able to bring my brother up to start college. That's a big milestone for anyone and I'm so happy that he wanted me to be a part of it.

Here's picture of dad, mom, and Lanny before Lanny and I got in the car and left. Though there are lots of smiles here, I'm sure there were tears after we left.

Once we got to campus, it was amazing to see the in-processing. I thought that the Academy had an impressive first day, but this definitely rivaled it. There was a holding pen for cars. There they got you ready and radioed you into the dorm area to unload the car. The football team and dorm RAs were there to help haul everything up to the rooms and let the next load come in.

Here is the only picture I took during the whirlwind off-loading. Lanny's in the back guarding all the possessions he brought with him while I went to park the car.

By all accounts, the first month of college has gone well and has its standard amount of drama and boredom. Congratulations to my brother and best wishes as he starts an exciting time in his life.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

okay - so maybe just a tear or two...

Ma Beach