Tuesday, September 16, 2008

New wheel chair

Sarah has crutches and rented a Turning Leg Caddy (TLC), but both aren't very good for longer distances on the sidewalks downtown. For those who don't know what a TLC or Roll-a-Bout is, it is basically a scooter on stilts:

So we did a quick look on craigslist and found a used wheelchair for $25. I'm on it.

The chair had been stored in a barn for years and was only available because the old style is too narrow for the person who responded to the add first. That barn dirt created a good project for Finn and I to do when we brought it home. Finn took his screwdriver and helped clean off the chair with me.

Now he rides proudly up and down the streets sitting on his mom's lap. He will even push her through our hallways. He can't see over the chair back so the direction isn't always exact, but the effort is there.

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