Saturday, September 06, 2008

Getting older

SOmetimes Finn looks about 5 years old. Here's one of those pictures. He acts older too, now trying to show people how he does things. He's explaining to Elena all about Firefighter Tadm although she knows it all already. He also explains and shows things to people he hasn't seen before. If someone he hasn't seen in a while comes into the room, he'll stare at them for a second and then point to something while talking.

The other day, he decided that he should tell me everything that he knew the name of. He ran around the room pointing to things and saying ""

You can also see the handprints on the fridge. He's been very into trying to figure things out. Opening and closing things holds his attention for long periods of time. The latest is the car door. He kept closing the door on Sarah and waving bye-bye as she was trying to get out.

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