Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Big Moves Ahead

There will be some big changes in our life soon. I received official notification of a job offer last Friday and accepted it. The position is for a statistical analyst at the Pentagon. Obviously it means that we'll be moving to DC.

We're going to miss everyone here in Ohio, including the hockey team I coach. I gave my notice as the hockey coach last week which was a difficult first step in the move. I had coached the seniors on this year's team back when I first started as a middle school coach and had hoped to see them do big things this year. I'm sure that they will still do great, but I won't be there to see it.

I'll also miss the guys at work. I came into that job right out of school and have learned everything there. I'm sure that they have prepared me well for the next job. I'll miss all the characters and the drama of the workplace, though I can bet there will be plenty there as well.

We'll miss our friends the most. Getting to know people enough to become truly comfortable with them takes a long time. Just about the time we got there, we are moving away.

A difference between DC and Cincinnati is that I bet we get more visitors in DC. Most people we have told are excited about coming to visit, while visitors to Ohio can be counted on a single hand. The more the merrier and everyone is welcome.

So now that Sarah's back walking again, we have now the daunting task of selling our house in the worst housing market ever. We just have to take it all one step at a time. Anyone need a house in Cincinnati?

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