Thursday, October 16, 2008

Leaving things too near the crib

When Finn doesn't want to take his nap, he finds something to do. It use to be reading a book, playing with the crib toys, or cooing softly. At worst he would cry for a few minutes until drifting off to sleep.

Recently, it was quiet and I assumed things were fine. Then he started to say "uhh-oh" and cried. When I went in I was surprised to see that a ticker tape parade had come through.

We made the mistake of leaving the box of tissues close enough so that he could climb up and grab it off of his changing pad. He must have spent his nap time shredding the tissues and when he ran out, he got made.

Our lesson we learned is that nothing can be left within reach of the crib. We haven't followed that lesson well. A couple days ago we found all of his laundry in his crib with him.


Mom of 3 Boys said...

My kids used to have stuffed animals in the crib w them along with their blankets...they would get mad and toss everything out too.

funny pics :)

Anonymous said...

One quiet naptime for Uncle Josh resulted in all the newly applied wallpaper being striped off one wall. Uh-oh!!! I had to keep the crib in the middle of the room.


Anonymous said...

Jill, Do not even THINK of leaving a comment here. --PaBeach