Saturday, February 14, 2009

Uncle Lanny!

My brother came out to stay with us for a few days. It was good to see him and spend some time with him. Here we are, the three Beachkofski boys.

The photo is pretty nice, but makes me wonder "Who's that kid weaseling his way into our picture?

Lanny got to be here for Finn's birthday and helped in congratulating Finn for getting some cool toys.

After meeting us at Arlington Cemetary, Sarah took Finn back home and the brothers went out sight-seeing. We went to the Sackler Galleries and saw the Asian art and the special display of the S-curve. The S-curve is much more impressive in person than in a photo.

After the art galleries we went to the Washington and Lincoln Memorials and then the White House before making our way home again. Here's a shot of Lanny comparing the reverse of a penny with the actual Lincoln Memorial for accuracy.

It was a great visit. It was nice to see Lanny outside of the normal holiday visit schedule. Good luck on the second semester of freshman year!


Jeff said...

Why does Lanny look so much hipper than you?

Mom of 3 Boys said...

haha i like the weasely kid in first pic. haha
i wouldnt have noticed till you pointed out!