The water table has waterproof smocks for the kids to wear. There is a miniature town along the banks of a river that you can flood by building a dam. There are sailboats to make and float across the surface. Most fun is the pipe system where you can make your own giant system for the water, not that I palyed with that much.

The big sand box was also a good time. The dump trucks could be dumped and the rakes raked. We even leared that the dump trucks dump outside the sandbox too.
uh, what's with the Bengalberries outfit?
It was bought long ago in a land far, far away. I think it was on the ultra-discount rack.
Anyway, Finn is a big fan of football and doesn't understand things like effort, winning, or felonies yet. Be assured that the transition from following the Bengals will be easy and painless for all of us.
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