After searching all of Northern Virginia and DC we have selected a place to live and have an accepted lease application.
It is a townhouse with a kitchen, living and dining room on the first floor with two bedrooms and bathrooms upstairs. It has indoor parking with a direct entrance from the parking garage, extra storage, 2 work-out facilities, 2 pools, and a tot lot for Finn.
We've caught our breath again.
Very quaint and traditional D.C. looking. One can almost see the CIA agents hiding in the bushes, just like in the movies. Most cool! Have fun learning all about your new environment. Hope to visit soon. PaBeach.
Congratulations! A new home, looking good, a safe place to
land. This is a relief to a hypervigilant mama. Can't wait to visit. Welcome hose,err, home, with love.
Mama, meme
congrats :)
Sounds like a great place. Congrats!
Great. I guess our tribe will visit sometime this spring before TeamPodolak moves up to Palinland.
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