Monday, December 01, 2008

House Hunting

We've been on a mad dash around the greater DC area looking at places to live and in-processing at work. Finn has been so tired he has slept in to 9 the last two days. More he is a hyper crazy kid for the last 3 hours of the day. He is also refusing to eat almost everything.

A notable exception was cousins Chuck and Andi's dinner which we were invited over for. Finn ate a bunch of carrots and red peppers and even tried a pita with hummus which came back out after a little chewing. He grabbed a chocolate chip cookie and ate part of it and hid half in the cushions of the chair. We were a little bit embarrassed by that.

Pibb is staying over at Chuck and Andi's until Wednesday. He and their cat Gato are not best friends. Their relationship involves hissing and stalking. It's great that they are still willing to watching him until our temporary place that accepts cats opens up on Wednesday.

We'll try and give more updates, but with shaky Internet access and little free time it may be tough.


Angelica said...

Hang in there!

Jackson said...

Yes, definitely hang in there, because the move to DC is what you want.

Also, is it possible Finn could show the other cat who is boss? You know, take the other half of the cookie and stick it?

Chuck said...

Turns out that our cat (Gato) who has never been around other cats is not really 'socialized' and is a real ass. Hope Pibb is not too traumatized.

Chuck said...

Here is photo proof of Pibbs torment: