Saturday, November 08, 2008

Big boy

It's been busy again and I've fallen behind in my posting. Hopefully I can load a few in the hopper to catch back up pretty quick.

Here's a short message to start the process and whet your appetite. Finn looks much older now than he did a while ago. Here's sing two-word phrases and counting. When he counts, there are 2 of everything. For example, he says "1, 2 bus!" no matter how man buses are in view. One day he shocked us by saying "three" but that was a one time event.


Anonymous said...

Oh my, he does look like such a big boy. Counting is a big step! I can't wait for our next phone conversation.


The Watts Family said...

Oh my gosh, for a split second I thought that was a photo of Brian. He's getting big.