Monday, November 10, 2008

Can't stand this much fun

Finn and Elena have been spending a lot of time together in anticipation of our move to DC. Although they mostly parallel play when they are around other kids, they actually play together. Besides pushing each other around on wagons giving each other toys, they copy the other kid. Here's a picture of them copying me when I was laying on the floor. They think it's pretty funny.

They're going to miss one another so much after we go. Finn runs over to their door when we go to their floor and Elena does the same when she comes over to ours. I'm sure they'll meet up again as they grow up, but it won't be the same from far away.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

They are so cute together! What a special collection of early memories of friendship to pack up with you. I know it will be hard to say goodbye.
