Sunday, November 16, 2008

Trick or Trick

Halloween was a big night for the Finn and Elena. They got to go out trick or treating for the first time. Of course, last year they were in costume, but this year they knocked on a door and got treats.

Finn went as a Finn, as we showed before. Elena went as a Dutch girl, which she is. Her costume was super cute and even had fake wooden clogs. Together they had a united-nations or Disney's small world feel.

The two went through our building knocking on doors for treats and found that our neighbors upstairs had a good stash. Knowing that we aren't big on candy for Finn, they had Teddy Grahams and Animal Crackers.

The kids aren't great with patience and figured a bird in the hand was pretty good so they immediately sat down and ate their cookies. It was the cutest thing.

All the walking and eating eventually wore the two out and they decided to change into their pajamas and watch a movie. It was a good ending to a nice day filled with costumes and cookies.


Anonymous said...

Well, it's nice to know that Finn's FIRST dress up date was a Dutch treat. Cutest pics ever.


Angelica said...

Absolutely adorable!!