Thursday, November 20, 2008

Going away party: Part two

The second going away party held for us was my work. We went to City Barbecue for a buffet which was awesome. I'll miss that place.

Finn made a new fried. Lt. Steve and Finn hung out the whole time. I think they really had some good times together.

I got a couple nice gifts and some kind words. The gifts were a class picture of everyone I worked with over the last 9+ years. The second gift was a nice piece of costume jewelry.

The small scale model engine is usually given mounted on a plaque and often referred to as the golden colon for its undulating shape. My version is diamond encrusted and comes hanging on a nice gold chain. It seems that my affinity for hip-hop music hasn't gone unnoticed in the office. It was a funny, homemade and well-appreciated gift.

After lunch the party continued at the bowling alley. Finn was impressed by the loud noises, flashing lights, and throwing balls at things. He even gave it a shot himself after I left two standing on the first ball.

The ball was pushed with great effort and low speed. At first it looked as if the aim was true, but them the ball started to drift to the left. However, without visible cause the ball straighten course and then came back to the right. Meanwhile the lane two our left had thrown two balls of their own. Then the seemingly impossible happened. The ball struck the lead pin from the left and drove it into the pin on its right. Finn picked up my spare on his first-ever ball.

Subsequent balls proved that event to have been a freakishly unlikely occurrence. He got more gutters than pins his other attempts. We all enjoyed the whole day and he got to text his lady friends on Emilee's cell phone. It hardly gets better than that.

1 comment:

Angelica said...

Nice colon. Don't forget to have it scoped occasionally. Preventative medicine saves lives.