Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Bike riding in Cincinnati

One of our standing weekend activities is going for a bike ride. Finn likes it and likes that the route usually goes by one of the city's many parks where he can play on the jungle gyms. He likes the slides and climbing up the stairs. Of course, all that activity can make a very tired boy.

The ride also makes a very tired set of parents. The city is beautiful, partially because of the hills throughout, but that makes for a tough ride.

Another tough aspect is that riding on the streets can be a problem at times. There are many people who don't think that bicycles should be on the streets and don't give the room that they should. One, probably thinking they were helping, hit the horn right before passing us. For the record, that's not helpful.

We've started driving our bikes out to a suburb where a massive set of trails starts. Trail riding has no car traffic and very few hills since it is on the old rail bed.

There are plans to extend the trail all the way to the river and build a riverfront trail through downtown. That would be great and give us access from our house.

Here are more pictures from our ride.

1 comment:

CityKin said...

Yeah, I really really want that bike trail connector from the East End to Downtown. Apparently there are a few choke points that require funding to aquire property.