Monday, July 28, 2008

Cincinnati Zoo is super

Although we loved visiting the National Zoo, it's a little too far away to go on a daily basis. For that we have the Cincinnati Zoo. It is a great zoo and has some very neat exhibits. In fact, it is so big and filled with wandering paths, it is possible to be lost.

Our family joined up with Elena's family to visit the zoo early one Saturday morning. There was not much of a crowd and the monkeys were howling. Finn was as interested in the animals as much as ever and had a big smile on his face the whole time.

He got so excited that he would run off ahead of us if we let him out of the stroller to find the next animal. He's getting fast enough so that we actually have to jog to catch up with him.

He concentrates on the big animals which are much easier to see than the smaller one. I have trouble seeing the small cats hidden in the rocks.

His favorite viewing spot in on the ground so he can run wherever he wants. That is followed by riding on our shoulders so he can see over the crowds.

His favorite exhibits continue to be the water animals. The zoo has an unbelievable manatee exhibit. Here's a video of him running around to watch the fish and manatees.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Those Elephants stink, don't they?